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What are the Types of Trademark Filing Forms in the US?


There are two forms that can be used to register marks with the Principle register: the TEAS regular form, if want to use a personalized description, or the TEAS Plus form.

Between the time you submit your application and the time your trademark is approved, you will receive correspondence from the USPTO through your attorney. In case you change your email address, be sure to update it in your account to receive all the notifications.

The trademark process is a complex and time-sensitive one. During the life of your trademark, the USPTO will require to fill out different types of forms. Your attorney will assist you and reply any related correspondence forms associated with establishing, maintaining or even cancelling your mark.  Doing so will help to ensure that you are provided the most protection for your intellectual property.


Advantages of using services: offers the service of trademark filing on your behalf.

  • Experienced attorneys will help you avoid many potential pitfalls that may occur in the process that could lead to the rejection of trademark.
  • The client's portfolio is supported by his/her account on our website which clearly shows the latest information and statuses of all trademarks the client holds.

In order to send you a full quotation for Trademark Registration in the United States please email and we will reply within 1 business day or visit our website here to place your order. 

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